Breaking Boundaries, Building Bridges: Aiyana Mathews Shares Her Story at GSU’s 8th Global Languages Leadership Meeting

Aiyana Mathews delivers her keynote during CULTR's 8th Global Languages Leadership Meeting at Georgia State University Friday, May 19, 2023. Photo: Mellissa Thomas/FNN News Atlanta.
ATLANTA, Ga. (FNN) – Gardner-Mathews Global Management founder and CEO Aiyana Mathews provoked tears of inspiration during her keynote speech at the 8th Annual Global Languages Leadership Meeting (GLLM), hosted by Georgia State University’s Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) last Friday.

CULTR Director Dr. Hakyoon Lee greeted guests and provided an overview about CULTR’s work and priorities. This year’s GLLM was the first in-person event after two consecutive virtual events. FNN News asked her how it felt to finally be in-person again. “I think it’s great,” she said post-event. “It was great to see people I had previously met online during our Zoom meetings. It was great to see our supporters [and] community partners.”
Georgia State University Provost Dr. Nicolle Parsons-Pollard followed Dr. Lee, sharing brief remarks on GSU’s vision going forward and the institution’s excitement to welcome Mathews back as this year’s keynote speaker.

Mathews, who was invited to be this year’s keynote speaker after wowing the CULTR team with her panel discussion appearance the year before, shared her immersive experience in Japan and with Japanese culture Friday, impressing upon the audience the immeasurable value of learning multiple languages, embracing new cultures, and the powerful relationships and opportunities those efforts can create.
Mathews’ presentation spanned her compelling 24-year relationship with Japan, which began with her first landing there as part of an exchange program during her printing technology studies at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Her experience was actually a first for the institution–no other student had done that specific exchange program before. She also chronicled her experience of connecting with Japanese host Fumiko Takahashi and her family. Fumiko, who was present for Mathews’ presentation Friday, received a standing ovation.
During her 44-slide keynote, Mathews laid out the proof of her passion to connect with people wherever she’s planted. She loved her first experience in Japan so much that she ended up moving back there a second time, working as an assistant language teacher. She worked together with local community partners to create festivals that not only celebrated different cultures, but deepened her relationship with the Japanese people by helping natives expand their global awareness as well. Even upon her return to the U.S., she began fostering relationships within the Japanese community in Atlanta by developing a close bond with former Japanese Consul General George Hisaeda and his wife Midori, as well as connecting with relevant Atlanta-based Japanese organizations.

Mathews did the same in Orlando, Florida, fostering relations with Japanese organizations there and organizing a business matchmaking event at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for Japanese companies in the aviation and aerospace industry that wanted to get into Florida’s air and space industry. Her journey involved much more, and she clearly laid out the skills she developed along the way, but a core point resounded over and over again with each project and encounter: mastering other languages is paramount in fostering deep, meaningful connections with other cultures. Mathews wanted the audience to understand that being multilingual goes beyond just getting translator or interpreter jobs. The opportunities are boundless when one chooses to master other languages while coupling relentless diligence with a genuine heart for people, as she has done.
Mathews’ presentation blew the 100 attendees–including CULTR’s leadership–away. “I think it was a very inspiring presentation,” said Dr. Lee of the keynote. “It was very successful, I enjoyed it very much.” Mio Maeda, the current Consul General of Japan, was also present. “I was very impressed,” Consul General Maeda said of Mathews’ presentation. “We are very lucky to have her as the bridge between Japan and the States. She’s so devoted to the relations between Japan and Georgia, so I thank her.”

During the Q&A portion, Nita Penn, a young African American mom of twins who teaches ESL in South Korea, stood and shared her deep gratitude to Mathews. “As someone who did the same thing as you in South Korea, I feel seen,” she said, fighting tears. “I just want to thank you for sharing your story and showing people this is possible and that there are more of us out there doing the same thing.” Mathews left the podium to hug her.

“This is actually the first time I’ve ever shared my [full] 24-year experience with Japan and I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time, so I feel very fulfilled,” Mathews shared with FNN News after the event. “I’m grateful that CULTR has given me this platform to showcase to the 100 participants that were here today something that I know so well.”
Mathews’ company, Gardner-Mathews Global Management, offers project management and other key services to businesses operating internationally or wish to expand into international markets.
Mellissa Thomas reports for FNN News Atlanta. |