Governor DeSantis Signs 6 Bills Rep. Daisy Morales Co-Sponsored in Florida House

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (FNN NEWS) – Freshman State Representative Daisy Morales of Orlando adds six more co-sponsored bills to a growing list Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into law.
In her first 165 days in office, Morales has sponsored or co-sponsored more than 125 pieces of legislation, during the 2021 Legislative Session.
A law can only be passed if both the Senate and the House of Representatives introduce, debate, and vote on similar pieces of legislation. The Governor signed into law two Senate bills listed below for which Morales co-sponsored the House companion bills.
Rep. Morales co-sponsored the house bills listed.
The Governor signed the following bills:
Judges: Revises the number of circuit court judges in certain circuits; revises the number of county court judges in certain counties. Rep. Scott Plakon sponsored HB 5301 and the Governor signed the bill into law June 2.
Abandoned Cemeteries: Creates a Task Force on Abandoned African-American Cemeteries; specifies composition, purpose, and duties of the task force; provides meeting requirements; requires the task force to submit a report to the Governor and Legislature; provides for expiration of task force. Rep. Fentrice Driskell sponsored HB 37 and the governor signed the bill into law June 4.
Purple Star Campuses: Requires DOE to establish the Purple Star Campus program; specifies program criteria for participating schools; authorizes schools to partner with school districts to meet criteria. Rep. Andrew Learned sponsored HB 429 and the governor signed the bill into law June 4.
Veterans Employment and Training: Directs Florida Is For Veterans, Inc. to serve as the state’s principal assistance organization under the United States Department of Defense’s SkillBridge program; prescribes duties of corporation to facilitate administration of the SkillBridge program. Rep. Tyler Sirois sponsored HB 435 and Governor DeSantis signed the bill into law June 4.
Senate Bill 776 (Morales co-sponsor House companion bill HB 783)
Racketeering: Revising the definition of the term “racketeering activity” to include certain actions relating to wild animal life, freshwater aquatic life, or marine life, etc. Rep. Morales cosponsored HB 783, the House companion bill (sponsored by Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka) to Senate Bill 1634, which was signed into law by the governor June 4.
Senate Bill 1634 (Morales co-sponsored House companion bill HB 1399)
Public Records/Aquaculture/Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: Providing a public records exemption for certain aquaculture records held by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS); providing that the records may be disclosed to other governmental entities under certain circumstances; providing for retroactive application of the exemption; providing for future legislative review and repeal under the Open Government Sunset Review Act; providing a statement of public necessity, etc. Rep. Morales co-sponsored HB 1399, the House companion bill (sponsored by Rep. Andrew Learned) to Senate Bill 1634, which was signed into law by the governor June 4.