Rep. Liz Cheney Joins Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney. Photo via.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. –– Trustees of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation on June 7, 2021, welcomed Congresswoman Liz Cheney to their distinguished roster. In a unanimous vote at the Board of Trustees’ annual meeting Monday, the Wyoming representative became the second Cheney to serve on the board. Her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, retired from the board on Monday after forty years of service.
“It’s a great honor to follow in my father’s footsteps and to have the honor of serving on the Foundation that President Ford established,” said Liz Cheney. “His leadership in Congress and in the White House has inspired my own work on Capitol Hill. Gerald Ford is the type of public servant America needs today. He fearlessly modeled integrity, courage, loyalty, civility, and decency—all benchmarks of what good public service looks like in our American democracy.”
Board Chair Mike Ford, the oldest son of the 38th president, called it a red-letter day for the Foundation.
“Not only did the board pass a resolution honoring Vice President Dick Cheney for more than four decades of outstanding service to my father and the foundation, but we also welcomed the next generation of the Cheney family to our team,” Ford said. “We have been impressed with Liz’s principled leadership, generous service, and unflinching courage while serving in Congress—traits my father valued highly.”
Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s three-year term of service with the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation is renewable and continues the Foundation’s tradition of having some of America’s most distinguished men and women serve as trustees. Long-serving trustees have included many who worked with President Ford when he was in the White House from 1974-1977, including Jim Baker, Dick Cheney, William Coleman, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, Carla Hills, Paul O’Neill Sr., Brent Scowcroft, and Donald Rumsfeld.
The mission of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation is to enlarge President Ford’s legacy in a world that desperately needs his example of leadership and service. As author James Cannon wrote, “From its beginning American democracy has had the good fortune to produce a leader, often from an unexpected quarter, whose character and actions fit the tide of history. So it was on August 9, 1974, when this good and honest man, this obscure and stolid workhorse of a Congressman from the heartland of the nation, came to the rescue of the American government. To Gerald Ford was given the responsibility to move America from untruth to truth, from darkness to light.”
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