Republican Randy Ross Files to Run for State HD 39, Prioritizes Senior Healthcare

ORLANDO, Fla. (FNN) – Political activist, political influencer, and conservative media personality Randy Ross, a Republican, has filed to run for Florida State House 39, focusing primarily on senior healthcare.
“I have cared for my mother for over 25 years after her diagnosis with severe rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve been to hundreds of doctor’s appointments and filled out more medical forms than I can recall,” Ross noted in his campaign press release. “What we are putting seniors through for basic healthcare is atrocious. But my mom has me. What about the thousands of seniors in District 39 who need help and guidance, not to mention tens of thousands of senior Floridians that are simply being forgotten?”
In a recent phone interview with Florida National News, Ross spoke sharply about the current political discourse. “[For me] it’s not about running against the other candidates. There’s a constant Tanya Harding approach to it; [everyone’s focused on] how to knock each other down. Which goes back to the reason why I’m running. I think senior healthcare is something we all can agree on.”

In the interview, Ross detailed his mother Betty Ross’s most recent medical journey. In January, he’d taken her to a neurologist because she was showing signs of acute paranoia, for which she was prescribed medications. As a side effect, Betty, who is normally energetic, was falling asleep in the middle of the day. Ross eventually took her to the dentist for to get several teeth extracted and, upon extraction, her energy improved and her paranoia abated. As it turned out, at least half of the teeth extracted were severely infected, which in turn was affecting her brain. Because of that connection and improvement, Ross was able to avoid needing 24-hour care for his mother.
“I don’t want to make a law in my mom’s memory,” Ross added during the interview. “I want to create Betty’s Law to improve senior healthcare while she’s here.”
Ross is most notably known for being the Orange County Chairman for President Donald J. Trump in 2016. “I fought hard to become the Chairman as the local party simply didn’t want Trump to organize here,” Ross said. “I’m proud that not only did we organize, but our amazing team of volunteers showed the rest of the state, despite huge Democrat numbers in Orange County, how to organize and have grassroots success.”

Ross’s HD 39 Campaign Platform
-Championing Senior/Elder care and Senior/Elder care and services
-Ensuring 2nd Amendment rights are never second guessed or interfered with
-Protecting and lifting a parent’s rights in decisions regarding their child/children’s education
-Men are Men, Women are Women. Men should never be participating in women’s sports.
-Illegal immigration is not an option for the country…especially Florida.
-Moving veterans to the front of the line for everything from healthcare to housing
-Defending first responders
Florida House District 39 includes Apopka and parts of Winter Garden, Lake County and Seminole County.
Ross’s Community Service History
Ross has a long history of community organizing and leadership experience, including serving on the boards of several major organizations. Here’s just a handful from his campaign’s press release:
• Appointee to the Orange County Membership Mission and Review Board (MMRB)
• 2017: Organized and led “I-4 for Texas,” “I-4 for Florida” and “I-4 for Puerto Rico” wherein we garnered more that 2 million pounds of aid (via community donations) for Puerto Rico, via air cargo shipment. Partnering with faith based groups we were on the ground expeditiously helping those in need following Hurricane Maria.
• Co-chair/Creator, “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, Orlando” 2013 and 2014, benefiting Harbor House of Central Florida
• Board member, The American Red Cross of Central Florida
• Board member, Community Health Centers of Central Florida
• Graduate of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer’s “Mayor’s City Academy”
• “40 under 40” Award Winner, The Orlando Business Journal
• 1995 & 2000 Walt Disney World Community Service Award Recipient, Health & Human Services
“In 10 years, I will be eligible for retirement and Medicare, assuming Medicare is still around. It scares me to think if I’ll know how to navigate the system,” he continued in his press statement. “And if I’m thinking like this, there are many District 39 residents who [will also] have to rely on a system [that’s] not navigational, effective or practical for seniors.”