State Rep. Daisy Morales asks Governor Ron DeSantis to designate former AT&T Switching Center a 24-Hour COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Site in Orlando

State Representative Daisy Morales says a former AT&T Switching Center located at 1501 S. Semoran Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32807 is an ideal location for the State’s first 24-Hour COVID-19 mass vaccination site. (Photo credit: LoopNet)
ORLANDO, Fla. (FNN NEWS) – Florida State Representative Daisy Morales (D-Orlando) sent Governor Ron DeSantis a letter on Tuesday calling for a 24-hour COVID-19 mass vaccination site and has already secured an ideal property in District 48.
In her letter, Representative Morales requested the State’s support for two large properties to be made into mass vaccination sites in District 48, both located within minutes of each other on S. Semoran Boulevard. Her letter reads, in part:
“District 48 is home to many residents who work in the hospitality industry (International Drive, etc.) as well as at the attractions and at Orlando International Airport. With many residents now unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are now also facing transportation limitations and are unable to reach the Orange County Convention Center or the Tradeport Drive vaccination site.
“Authorizing these two District 48 mass vaccination sites will not only help the state achieve its goal of vaccinating our vulnerable population and transition to Phase 2 more quickly, but it will also meet the vaccination needs and transportation limitations of our underserved communities.”

One of the two properties, a Category 5 hurricane rated building with large land, interior office and storage space, is her choice for the 24-hour vaccination site. “…As Florida begins to expand its vaccination efforts, I believe this property would be ideal for a 24-hour vaccination site. It is a Category 5 build, has a backup generator, has abundant land space to add mobile pods that can go out into the community, and has adequate storage space inside for personnel to sustain medical and vaccine supplies.”
“It also has plenty of office spaces, a large conference room, and a staff break room for personnel participating in the operation. In the event the vaccinations need to be moved indoors, the property also has a large indoor open space that can allow for approximately 100 socially distanced personnel to safely administer the vaccine.”
Representative Morales’s second community COVID-19 vaccination event will be held Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at La Alianza Orlando church, located at 2853 S. Goldenrod Rd. in District 48 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. EST.