State Rep Robin Bartleman Denounces the Rise of Anti-Semitic Hate

Representative Robin Bartleman (D-Weston) issued the following statement in response to the recent spike in anti-Semitic hate towards Jewish Americans and the event that occurred in Chabad of South Broward.
“As I turned on the news this morning, I was horrified to learn that yet another anti-Semitic act took place—this time right in our backyard at Chabad of South Broward. The Anti-Defamation League reported a 40% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in Florida in 2020, contributing to the anger and divisiveness that has gripped our nation in recent years. I stand firmly against all acts of hate and call on our community to stand strong together against intolerance. The marginalization of any group in unacceptable. When one group is targeted, all groups are targeted. As fellow Floridians, Broward County residents, and neighbors, we can work together to promote justice, peace, and tolerance throughout our communities.”
Media outlets have widely reported on the rise of anti-Semitic hate and the recent event at Chabad of South Broward:
· An article by WPLG Local 10 News accounts Monday night’s act of anti-Semitic intolerance at Chabad of South Broward.
· According to a report by National Public Radio, U.S. officials say hate crimes against Jews are growing in the aftermath of Gaza violence. “In 2019, the ADL recorded more than 2,100 cases of assault, vandalism and harassment against Jews across the U.S., the most since tracking began in 1979.”