President Joe Biden to attend former First Lady Rosalynn Carter funeral service

WASHINGTON, DC (FNN) – On Tuesday, November 28, the President and the First Lady will travel to Atlanta, Georgia. The President and the First Lady will attend a tribute service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. The Vice President and the Second Gentleman will also attend, according to the White House.
Carter, the wife of former president Jimmy Carter, died Sunday, November 19. She was 96.
Rosalynn Carter funeral arrangements: Schedule, motorcade route in Atlanta and Plains, Ga.
A service for Rosalynn Carter is planned for invited guests Tuesday in Atlanta at Glenn Memorial Church at Emory University.
On Wednesday, the funeral procession arrives in the morning at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia for a service for family and friends.
The casket will then be transferred to a hearse and depart for private interment at the Carter family residence.
The public is welcome to line the family motorcade route as it proceeds from the church, down Bond Street, and along Hwy. 280 in downtown Plains. Viewing areas will be designated. Everyone is expected to respect private property and park only in designated areas, according to a press release from The Carter Center.